Probiotix Health Announces Further Product Commercialisation Progress
OptiBiotix Health PLC (‘OptiBiotix’), a life sciences business developing compounds to tackle obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes, is delighted to announce continued commercial developments in the USA and Far East on behalf of its subsidiary ProBiotix Health (‘ProBiotix’).
The first development comes from the USA, where one of its partners, Seed Health (‘Seed’), has received FDA authorisation for an Investigational New Drug (‘IND’) application for DS-01™. As a broad-spectrum multi-species, DS-01 is a multi-strain probiotic that contains the patented Lactobacillus plantarum LPLDL® from ProBiotix. The regulatory acceptance enables DS-01 to enter a phase II randomised, triple-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical trial to investigate the role of the gut microbiome in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (‘IBS’) and the impact of DS-01 on intestinal microbial communities. The strong scientific and clinical evidence that supports the life sciences company’s whole genomic sequencing is one of the reasons for validating LPLDL as a potential pharmaceutical product.
Stephen O’Hara, CEO of OptiBiotix, commented: “We are delighted to see that Seed has achieved FDA authorisation for an IND application for a product containing LPLDL. Seed is one of a number of partners OptiBiotix is working with to bring a range of cardiovascular, general health, and IBS applications to the pharmaceutical markets around the world.”
The second development comes from Singapore, where ProBiotix has extended its partner agreement with United Italian Trading Corporation (Pte) Ltd (‘UITC’) to exclusively distribute the company’s cholesterol reducing product, CholBiomeX3. As such, this latest agreement forms part of the increasing number of pharmaceutical companies commercialising CholBiome® products into the high value GP, hospital and pharmacy markets.
Mikkel Hvid-Hansen, Commercial Director at ProBiotix, commented: “We are pleased to have signed an agreement with UITC to distribute CholBiomeX3 in Singapore, which follows our initial deal with UITC earlier this year to commercialise SlimBiome® Medical in the same region. LPLDL containing products, like CholBiomeX3, are attracting increasing interest from pharmaceutical and healthcare companies as they clearly demonstrate proven efficacy based on a strong scientific approach, which are highly valued by the wholesaler, retailer and consumer.”
For more information on, LPLDL, CholBiomeX3, or SlimBiome Medical please visit: https://www.optibiotix.com/