27th October 2021|Partner Q&A

Q&A With Dexter Fung, UITC

Author Bio

Dexter Fung, Deputy Managing Director has been working at United Trading Corporation (UITC) since 2012. Dexter’s primary role is to manage principal lines and business development activities in Singapore.

Company background

UITC is a reputable pharmaceutical and medical device marketing and distribution company established in Singapore since 1963, with branch offices in Hong Kong and Malaysia. UITC provides complete and integrated marketing and distribution solutions to a wide variety of clients that include international and local partners to serve the needs of hospitals, medical specialists, family physicians and retail pharmacies.

Question: As an official partner for CholBiomeX3, what features do you find the most exciting when working with this probiotic?

CholBiomeX3 is a unique and natural nutraceutical which helps to maintain healthy levels of blood cholesterol. Lactobacillus plantarum ECGC 13110402 (LP LDL) is a patented, science-backed probiotic that has been evaluated in a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical study demonstrating promising results.

Question: From a consumer perspective, what desirable features should a product have, that will make it appeal to them?

For the consumer, a product should firstly fit their needs. We also believe that reliable strong branding, good value and quality are also important features that will make a product appeal to customers.

We can offer patients a non-drug intervention in the management of their cardiovascular health

Question: What are your thoughts around the microbiome, and the role it can play on our health in the future?

We believe that the gut microbiome can play an integral role in contributing to overall good health in this era of preventive healthcare. It is encouraging to see ongoing research into how the gut microbiome may be able to reduce the risk of getting chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.